
JOY Women's Ministry
Our Women’s Ministry at Loveland Christian Church exists for fellowship, relationships, learning and serving.
The name JOY stands for:
Putting Jesus first in our lives
Others second
Yourself last.
All women are invited to join us at LCC for various events, activities, and service opportunities throughout the year. Watch for information here on the website as well as social media platforms and church publications. For more information or to reach out to the ladies of LCC, please e-mail the leadership team HERE.

Disaster Assistance Response Team
The DART team was formed in 2009 to assist with local and national disasters. Several of the members trained with FEMA as second responders. Since the beginning, we’ve had a core group of team leaders and many, many volunteers.
The trailer you see in our parking lot is equipped to respond to an emergency at a moment's notice. We have worked with Mason’s CERT (Citizens Emergency Response Team) to assist with emergency drills and trained in CPR and as weather spotters.
We spent two days at Woodland Lakes Christian Camp and Retreat Center tearing out the wooden benches by the lake and replacing them with new ones. Our team has traveled south twice to help with the Katrina disaster by repairing houses and building storage sheds. We went to Oklahoma when the tornado hit there in 2013. We also spent over a week in Moscow, Felicity, and Hamersville, Ohio after the tornado of 2012. We handed out sandwiches and water, cut fallen trees, and picked up brush. We tore down a damaged garage and helped replace a roof on a house.
There are many things we are equipped to do but the most important is allowing us the opportunity to share the love of Jesus with people who are hurting. This is a great outreach for Loveland Christian Church not only to help in a physical way but also to show our love for our neighbors whether close to home or in places like LA and OK.

The Worship Team
Here at LCC our congregation is comprised of a mixture of different people from all different kinds of backgrounds. Therefore, it is our desire to be a church that creates an atmosphere of worship for as many people as possible. While we strive to learn new things, we also respect and honor the traditions of the past, which is how we view our approach to worship music.
We have developed an eclectic grouping of volunteers to come together and form our worship teams for Sunday morning services and other events with the goal of continually adapting to new songs and styles while also reaching back into the vast well music and hymns that have drawn people closer to God for many generations.
We will do our best to mix it up because we believe that God is wanting to meet with His people in more ways than we can even begin to comprehend, so always come with an open heart to worship God no matter the song and no matter the style because He is always faithful and available to us.
Connections Team
The Connections Team believes that God brings people to LCC for a reason and that it is not by accident. We have a group of people that are prepared for your visit today.
When our guests arrive at LCC they are welcomed by one of our Connections Team members who are intentional about making sure your visit is as welcoming and informative as possible.
We are always welcoming new members to the team.

50 FORWARD is an active events driven community for both men and women 50 years of age and older. Our regular monthly event takes place on the 2nd Thursday of each month and will vary in starting and ending times based on our destinations. However, be aware that there are some months that we will switch our regular day for another day in order to participate in a special activity. Please watch the EVENTS PAGE for dates, times, and specifics.
50 FORWARD also exists to support the mission and vision of LCC in any way we possibly can. We contribute to the needs of the church through special projects, benevolent and missionary support.
50 FORWARD is NOT a sit around and discuss the “good ole’ days” type of community. We are actively using our gifts, talents, passions, and availability for the mission of Christ and His church. If you are 50 years of age and older, please join us sometime soon!
Adult Education
Our purpose is to equip and educate the body of Christ in Biblical truth, and our commitment is to grow every person through their discipleship journey. We support the mission of LCC by applying Biblical truth into a lifestyle dedicated to win, build, and send disciples of Jesus Christ.
8:45 – Inclusive (men and women of all ages) class meeting in room 203
9:30 – Women’s class meeting in room 211
Men’s class meeting in conference room
Mixed Adult class in Room 203
Various small groups meet throughout the week at different locations. These groups incorporate fellowship, prayer, and study. If you are interested in participating in a small group, please contact the church office.
We encourage everyone associated with LCC to walk through our process of discipleship including connect, move, deepen, and engage. For more information, contact the church office.
Our library is open and accessible to all members and regular attenders of LCC. The room is located on the north end of our building just off of the foyer and next to our counseling room. The library contains videos, DVDs, and a variety of books that can be checked out.
Counseling Services
Teresa Stillwell, LPPC

Youth Group: Sunday Evenings at 6:45pm
Loveland Student Ministry at Loveland Christian Church exist to equip 7th-12th grade students to win, build, and send disciples of Jesus Christ by amplifying His call in their life, and in the lives of fellow students. We strive to create an environment where students are welcomed, challenged, and engaged for a lifetime of ministry and service wherever God takes them.
We want to see every student experience and express a relevant relationship with God through Sunday Night Youth Group, various team-building events, and service in and out of our church.
If you have questions about how to connect with Loveland Student Ministry, please contact Donovan Gregory.
Love 513 is an Outreach Ministry at Loveland Christian Church where we want to honor those that live in the Loveland, Maineville, and Mason, Ohio areas. Our community is made up of many people, kids, and adults, who make this community great and we want to give back to all of you!
Some of our recurring events are listed below, but there is so much more that Love513 is doing in our community. To stay up to date on what Love513 is doing in your community, follow our Facebook page, and be one of the first to hear about it!
Children's Ministry

Birth - 8th grade
Here at Loveland Christian Church we value all children and know that there is no minimum age to learn who Jesus is, know how much He loves us, or to know His Word.
1 Timothy 4:12 Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity.
Each week we love to share God’s Word along with having fun events throughout the year. We have our themed overnighter in February, Family Easter Celebration, VBS and camps throughout Summer. In the Fall we have our Fall Festival including a Trunk n Treat and of course, our Christmas Celebrations in December! Keep your eye out for other surprise family events that pop up along the way! We would love for you to join us!
Missions Team
The Loveland Christian Church Missions Team exists to extend the church’s role in fulfilling the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20) by supporting Christian missionaries or agencies to evangelize lost souls and to teach Christian maturity.
Below is a list of some of the missions LCC supports.

The Tech Team
Our LCC Tech Team cares about your experience at church and who believes that there should be as few distractions during a church service or event as possible so that you can have an unaltered opportunity to meet with God in the midst of any moment.
Our tech team works with the soundboards and audio equipment on our campus, making sure everything works properly for worship music, videos, and microphones that are used to deliver God's Word each week. They are also trained in operating our projectors and presentation software in order to give you the best visual experience possible.
While we realize that nothing goes perfect 100% of the time, we still strive for a level of excellence in all that we do because we serve an excellent God and we care about stepping into every moment with our best foot forward!
For more information about the Worship Arts Ministry, contact Dan Ponchot.
DISCLAIMER: The information contained here is for general information purposes only. The information is provided by Teresa Stillwell and not Loveland Christian Church (LCC). Teresa Stillwell is not employed by LCC and her views do not necessarily reflect the views of LCC.

Joshua and Victoria Baah-Binney
Joshua and Victoria Baah-Binney were born in Ghana, West Africa. They have been ministering to others for over 20 years. They moved to the United States to complete their education before returning to Africa to continue their ministry. Joshua received his Master of Divinity degree from Cincinnati Christian University and his Doctor of Ministry degree from Ashland Theological Seminary. Victoria received her Master of Arts degree from Cincinnati Christian University and her Doctor of Philosophy degree from the University of Cincinnati.
Their life-changing work in Africa includes:
- Helping to establish new churches in Ghana, Togo, Benin, Tanzania, Ethiopia, and the DR Congo.
- Offering mentoring and seminars for church leadership and counseling to both church and traditional village leaders.
- Supporting community development in various forms - providing boreholes, free health screenings, and small-scale business opportunities.
- Supporting an orphanage in Kumasi and providing support to widows in the area.
11:00 service / Birth - 3 years
Nursery volunteers are ready to care for your children while you attend a service or are serving elsewhere in the church. We have Play & Worship lessons to help even our littlest children know Jesus through purposeful play and joy-filled worship videos.
Pre-School Small Group
11:00 service/ 3-5 years
Our preschool curriculum is focused on helping kids love God and His Word – and live it out. We would like our preschoolers to understand that the Bible is God’s special book and know how much He loves us. Take home papers are given out each week to allow our families to reinforce the lesson of that day and to encourage our families to study the Bible together throughout the week.
Small Groups
11:00 service / K - 8th grade classes
Elementary school small groups are broken down into three age-appropriate classes during our first service:
K-2nd grade class focuses on sequencing events of the Bible and learning how to find scripture along with knowing who Jesus is and how much He loves us.
3-5th grade class helps them to grasp why it’s important to have a relationship with God by reading and studying His Word.
Middle School small group (6th-8th grade) focuses on knowing the Bible is God’s Word and accept its absolute truth.
We encourage parents to reinforce the lesson with the take-home papers that are supplied each week. Our team is available to help them in any way that we can with materials and/or time to help them study the Bible with their children.
For more information about the Children's Ministry, please contact Family Life Minister, Donovan Gregory.
Woodland Lakes Christian Camp and Retreat Center
Woodland Lakes Christian Camp is a retreat center and a camp for day camps and week-long camps for children and teens. At camp, there are Bible studies, singing, prayer time, recreation time and meals in the dining hall. Recreation time has many activities which could include water sports, climbing wall, archery, a giant swing, a ropes course, swimming and more. Camp counselors help each group of youth campers to learn to follow Jesus and how to live a Christian Life that pleases God. At camp, you can make new friends, have fun outside and learn more about Jesus and the Bible.
Operation Christmas Child
The mission of Operation Christmas Child is to demonstrate God’s love in a tangible way to children in need around the world. Through this project, Samaritan’s Purse partners with the local church worldwide to share the Good News of Jesus Christ and make disciples of the nations. Operation Christmas Child delivers great joy and the Good News of Jesus Christ to children in need around the world through gift-filled shoeboxes. Each box packed full of quality toys, school supplies, and personal care items becomes a tangible expression of God's immense love for the child. For many, it is their first gift ever! Delivered by our local church partners, shoebox gifts provide an opportunity to present the Gospel to boys and girls in a clear, child-friendly way.
NEST Community Learning Center
NEST (Nutrition, Education, Safety, Transformation)
Community Learning Center is a unique non-profit organization aiming to break the generational cycle of poverty in suburban and rural communities in Eastern Cincinnati. Our mission is to address academic and non-academic barriers perpetuating poverty and provide at-risk school-age children with sound Nutrition and targeted Education in a Safe neighborhood environment to Transform their future outcomes. Our programs foster student-school-parent-community relationships to improve outcomes for children. We offer nutritious lunches during the summer months and healthy snacks during the school year, targeted tutoring services to close the academic gap, homework help in a safe, caring environment within the neighborhood, referrals to support resources for children and their families, and organized outdoor sports and activities.
Mischpachah is a team of teenagers and adults who work hard to learn and present a play about teenagers with real-life problems. The play teaches the teenagers in the audience there is help in friends, parents, and church leaders. Also, the play teaches that Jesus is real and Christians should reach out and help troubled teens. Counselors are there after the Play to talk with teens or anyone who wants help with a problem in life. Parents and adults help lead the teens who present the play locally and also travel to other cities to share the good news of Jesus.
Sewing to Serve
Sewing to Serve is a group of ladies from our church who meet together regularly to sew baby quilts that they then give to a local group that helps new mothers learn to take care of their babies.
Loveland Interfaith Effort (LIFE) Food Pantry
Since 1988, the Loveland Interfaith Effort (LIFE) Food Pantry has been serving the Greater Loveland community by providing food and support for those less fortunate. They currently provide much-needed food to hundreds of families, stock snack shelves at the local schools for qualifying children, and even financial assistance for those in dire need.
Ways you can help:
- Donating food and other household products, as well as funds to assist families.
- Food Pantry Volunteering - assisting with the distribution of food and helping families
- Donation Pick Up - picking up food from local businesses and delivering it to the pantry
- Weekend Bags - providing food to children and their families in the Loveland City School District for weekends and extended breaks
- Volunteer - volunteering with the numerous seasonal programs throughout the year
- Community Garden - helping with the community garden located at Prince of Peace church, which gives at least 10% of the produce to LIFE Food Pantry
Team Members will be baptized believers as described in Acts 2:38. They believe that the Bible is God’s inerrant Word as stated in II Timothy 3:16-17 and members of the Loveland Christian Church. They display a healthy growing spiritual life, have a passion for missions, and take the time to carry out the responsibility of the team.
Goals of the Missions Team are to select missions to be supported with the approval from the Elders. They develop a budget or amount to be given to each mission and financially support designated mission/agencies for the established time frame. They also oversee the accountability of the missions/agencies to the Loveland Christian Church.
The Missions Team is responsible for educating the church about each of the supported missions. They are also responsible for developing and implementing policies and procedures, which provide consistency in administering mission funds and providing encouragement to the missionaries.